Early maturing (105 - 110 days) hybrid for open ground, filmgreenhouses and shelters . The plant closed, a height of 60 - 70 cm . Stem without anthocyanin coloration weak pubescence . The leaves are large, green, with incised edge .
The fruit is oval, green, glossy, medium length and diameter . Spikes on the calyx rare . The flesh is whitish, without bitterness. Fruit weight 300 g . Taste excellent quality . Yieldcommodity products under the film shelters 6.8 - 7.3 kg / sq. m . Good set fruit with fluctuations in air temperature, resistant to adverse growing conditions .
The value of the hybrid: resistance to disease and stress, increased cold resistance, high yield, long and abundant fruiting, excellent taste and hightechnological qualities: any dish cooked very quickly, with minimal cooking. Recommended for all types of processing .
resistance to disease and stress, increased resistance to cold
early maturing
Growing area
Ukraine, Moldova, Russia
for all kinds of processing .
Taste quality
Commercial quality
Resistance to diseases
to adverse growing conditions
high yield, long and abundant fruiting, excellent taste and high technological quality
Features farming
The period from germination to full maturity
105 - 110 days
Growing up
open field / greenhouse
in the soil under the film seeds sown in mid-March to drop seedlings from 25 May to 7 - 10 June planted seedlings 15 - May 20
Scheme sowing
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row . 1 square . m usually planted no more than 4 -6 plants, t . K . Condensed with landing leads to lower crop
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended planting
best precursors melons, beans and green culture, and carrots .