Early maturing . The plant of medium height, semi-spreading . Stem with anthocyanin coloration of weak intensity, slightly pubescent . The leaves are medium sized, green, undulating edge .
The fruit is cylindrical, of medium length, diameter of small, dark purple, highly-glossy . Spikes on the calyx rare . The flesh is whitish, without bitterness. Fruit weight 300 g . Taste quality after cooking excellent . There is a very long period of fruiting . Hybrid plastic, tolerates high and low temperatures . It is recommended for cultivation under the film and in the open field . characterized by excellent transportability . Productivity of commodity fruits in an open ground in the south of 4.2 kg / sq.m. M .
seedlings in early March in warm, moist soil in a greenhouse in late May-early June
Scheme sowing
0 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row . On 1 sq. m typically planted to 4 - 6 plants, t . k . Gelled landings leads to reduction of yield
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended planting
best precursors melons, beans andgreen cultures, as well as carrots .