The mid . The period from germination to the mass of technical maturity of fruits 118 - 142 days . The plant is notspreading, medium and high altitude (45 - 73 cm), green . Leaf ovoid, medium size, medium jagged edges . leaf color is green, the petiole and the venation - purple . Calyx without thorns . lilac flower color .
Fruit of the cylindrical shape, the lower the fruits touch the ground . Coating of the fetus in the technical maturity of dark purpleto black, glossy surface. The length of the fetus 12 . 0 - 19 . 5 cm diameter 4 . 4 - 7 . 9 cm, weight 140 - 222 g . White Pulp, medium density, void-free, without bitterness . testes brown color with a matte finish . Taste quality canned products good and excellent . Trading yields 3 . 9 - 8 . 1 kg / sq.m. m . resistant to Fusarium wilt . Value classes: high yield, uniformity of fruit and good processing quality. Recommended for use in the canning industry and home cooking .
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