Is middle . technical maturity of fruits comes to 118 - 125 per day . The plant is compact, height 74 - 90cm . The leaves are dark green, medium size . flower light purple . A cup of prickly, dark green . Fruits cylindrical black color in the technical maturity, touch the ground . Fetal length 20 . 1 - 22 . 4 cm diameter 5.1 - 5.7 cm. The pulp white dense, no bitterness. Fetal weight 123 - 170 g . Taste and good quality excellent . Tradingyield of 2 . 1 - 4 . 4 kg / sq. m . relatively resistant to late blight and anthracnose . In high degree affected Fusarium wilt and decay vertex . Value varieties: a stable yield, high-quality processed products . It is recommended for dining purposes and canning industry .
relatively resistant to late blight and anthracnose, a moderate degree affected Fusarium wilt and rot apical
stable yield, high-quality processed products .
Features farming
The period from germination to full maturity
118 - 125 days
Growing up
open ground / greenhouse
Scheme sowing
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row . 1 square . M usually planted no more than 4 - 6 plants, t . k . condensed with landing leads to lower crop
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended thickness
heated greenhouses - 2.5 pc . / q . m, unheated greenhouses - 3 - 3.5 pc . / q . m
Recommended planting
best precursorsmelons, beans and green culture, and carrots .