
Cultivation and planting mycelium


Planting material for growing mushroom mycelium is propagated . Mushroom harvest largely depends on the quality of planting material . Therefore, in mushroom growing is very important growing mycelium with high economic and biological indicators .

have a high viability, ie quickly take root in the substrate and actively grow in it;

Intensification of production of mushrooms associated with new challenges in the selection - create strains with a very short periodfructification (3 - 4 weeks) with intense fruit formation and fruiting-em without reducing the total harvest .

The process of obtaining a sterile spore mycelium consists of three stages: the cultivation of the original culture of the dispute, cultivationintermediate crop and seed mycelium . Each stage has its own production technology and performed in areas that meet the requirements of the process .

When growing mycelium without repacking as reservoirs should be used packets of heat-resistant polymer material with a fine filter, also made of a polymeric material . These materials in the manufacture ofpackages interconnected by soldering at a high temperature .

Therefore, they should be carried out in areas withsterile conditions, which is achieved by the air conditioning and microbiological contamination through mechanical filters and lighting fixtures with premises quartz lamps . In order to maintain sterility and exclusion of infection outside the premises maintain a slight overpressure .

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