

Preparation of cultivation space

At the end of the fruiting mushroom waste substrate is discharged from the cultivation areas, thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the new tab turnover culture .

Technique of work on the removal of spent substrate of cultivation areas depends on the method of growing crops . In extensive cultivation method on the floor ridgesloading a substrate, usually operate without any thermal pretreatment . When grown in greenhouses vegetables can be used general purpose, loading with subsequent cleanup of the lower layer of the substrate, located on the greenhouse soil . Questions mechanization of unloading of the waste substrate adaptedfacilities for mushroom cultivation should be addressed individually in accordance with specific conditions .

When growing culture on a two stationary shelves for unloading the substrate using a five-spindlewinch and inclined conveyor mounted in front of the camera from the compost corridor . Unloading is conducted as follows. sequence of the tiers of the rack mesh is attached to the spindle apparatus, operating the power winch mesh with a layer of substrate budge, then this operation is repeated on the next levelrack and directly upload the substrate is performed simultaneously on all tiers of the rack . waste substrate is loaded onto an inclined conveyor which loads it into a vehicle .

However, during the crop growing in the substrate may be the accumulation of pests and fungal diseases sources . Therefore, to use the spent substrate needed his preliminary heat treatment . Also, mushroom myceliumremains alive and can continue to grow in the field and even to form fruiting bodies, and steaming of the substrate at the end of a turn culture reduces the likelihood of infections in the field . In some countries parboiled spent substrate is used as a fertilizer to improve soil for growing greenhouse cucumber in the USSR wastesubstrate is used in the open field .

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