
Cultivation structures

Possibility for pasteurization and germination substrate mycelium weight

Is a sealed chamber equipped with ventilation system with air cleaning, steam supply and automatic control of microclimate parameters .

In different countries were tested spaces of various widths - from 3 to 6 m . Found that for substrate unloading process mechanizationmost rational space width of 3 m . Such a long narrow space for substrate bulk pasteurization tunnel is called.

Figure 15 shows the tunnel ventilation system, which includes: mine ventilation (/), where mounted filters coarse and fine air purification (2); valve controlling the supply of fresh air (5); Channel sampling of indoor air tunnel (4) withcontrol valve (3); Fan (5); distributing channel (6) located under slatted floor of the tunnel . excess air from the tunnel released into the atmosphere through the mine ventilation (

Requirements for the construction of the tunnel ventilation systems do not differ from those described above. For laying substrate over the slotted floor mounted raft ^ nye longitudinal and transverse boards of boards thickness * tion 30 - 40 mm . The width of the tunnel should choose the appropriate width machinesfor stacking and unloading of the substrate .

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