Dill Northwind
Late varieties . From seedling to harvest herbs at 39 - 63 days for spices - 63 - 104 days . Socket semi-raised, height 28 - 36 cm, with 8 - 11 leaves . The leaves are large,green with a bluish tinge, waxy film medium . plants in the flowering stage erect, tall (120 - 135 cm) . The stem is green with a waxy coating . The yield on the greens - 4.5 kg . / square meter . m, on the spices - to 2.3 - 3 kg . / square meter . m . Taste good quality leaf . valued for its high yield, slow the appearance ofrosette of basal leaves and flowering stems aromaticity . It is recommended for use on greens and technical adaptation . Grade is not affected by bolting thus remains soft greens and green the whole season . All above-ground parts of the plant contain essential oil and have a very pleasant taste .
SEEDING: sow dill for winter orearly spring . Apply multiple spring-summer crops at intervals of 10 - 12 days . Seeding depth 1 - 2 cm . Prefers sandy loam, loamy, well-cultivated, neutral soil .
MAINTENANCE: it is necessary to destroy weeds, water the plants in a timely manner .
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