Dill Gribovsky
Dill Gribovsky - early maturing varieties . The period from germination to harvest 40 - 55 days before flowering - 55 - 70 days . Rosette standing, height 14 - 25 cm . fennel leaves are dark green, with a strong aroma, good taste . Indill leaves contain carotene 3.5 mg / 100 g, 1.8%, carbohydrates, vitamins range (C - 95.2 mg%, Bi, Bz, PP, folic acid), flavonoids, minerals . Dill Gribovsky has a high resistance to weather changes . especially varieties - early ripening . Gives a good umbrella for canning and pickles . Used in fresh and forcanning . Yield 1 - 2.5 kg / sq m . m . Distinguished less demanding temperature during the ripening seeds . resistant to pests and diseases . Mass plants up to 30 g .
Farming equipment: Sowing the seeds of dill Gribovsky: April-July (repeatedly) can crop before winter . Seeding depth 1 - 2 cm . Care is to destroy weedsand timely watering . To open and protected ground .
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