
PASTEURIZATION substrate and conditioning period

Period C

In essence, represents the final stage of fermentation substrate in a controlled environment enclosure . During this period, create a favorable temperature for recovery and active life of beneficial microflora . The bulk of the ammonia is removed from the substrate, part of it is translated by microorganisms in organicnitrogen compounds . substrate becomes more uniform, homogeneous composition and selective for mushroom .

Pasteurization substrate fogging method. Summary of the substrate fogging process is that after placing in the ridge (flat, two- or three-crest) before planting substrate mycelium incubated for 5 - 7 days . During this period, due to the presence of oxygen increases the activity of microorganisms present in the substrate, and the temperature rises to 45 - 55 ° C . The outer substrate layer is in direct contact with ambient air and remainscold, and evaporates from the substrate water condenses on the particles of the surface layer and the substrate is as "sweaty" . located within the substrate harmful insects crawling out of a zone of high temperature on the surface of the ridge, where they can be destroyed by pesticides .

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