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- Hygiene measures .
- Technological measures
- About mushrooms
- Biological and physiological characteristics of mushroom
- Use of ventilation
- Coating coating material
- Culture stationary shelves
- Fruiting period
- Period of fruit
- Sprouting mycelium mass of the substrate (tunnel) .
- The period of growth fruiting bodies
- The period of mycelial growth in the substrate
- The period of mycelial growth in the substrate and coating materials
- Classification
- Species of mushrooms
- Composition of coating material
- Preparation of coating material
- Requirements for coating materials
- Ink mushroom
- Materials for the preparation of the substrate .
- Preparation of semi-synthetic and synthetic substrates .
- Short composting method
- Substrate (compost)
- The classic method of preparation of the substrate, or spontaneous fermentation .
- The need for raw materials for the preparation of the substrate .
- Coating material
- Growing
- Landing
- Adapted premises
- Basic requirements for cultivation facilities
- Camera mushroom cultivation
- Possibility for pasteurization and germination substrate mycelium weight
- Possibility for pasteurization of substrate mycelium and germination in containers .
- Special buildings
- Vegetable greenhouses, the potato and vegetable store, refrigerators .
- Filling Container
- Filling cultivation premises substrate
- Filling stationary racks
- Champignon standard
- Harvesting
- Mushrooms non-standard
- Storage mushrooms
- Air
- Pasteurization
- Pasteurization substrate in the classical way .
- Pasteurization substrate in weight
- Period C
- Preparation of cultivation space
- Tips for the organization of production
- Bacterial diseases
- Deformation and deflection of the fruiting bodies of non-parasitic nature
- High yields
- Illness
- PESTS champignons
- Viral infection .
- General
- Method of reproduction
- Common
- Humidity
- Light
- Temperature
- Comparative characteristics of mushroom cultivation systems ,
- Growing
- Guilds cooking
- Mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the shop preparing the coating material .
- Mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the shop preparing the substrate .
- Preparation of substrate
- Workshop preparation of the coating material
CLIMATE cultivation premises
Biological and physiological characteristics of mushroom
Biological and physiological characteristics of mushroom-related climate: the requirements for temperature, humidity, air velocity and gas content in the air space by periods of growth and development of culture, as well as to the content of various microorganisms in the air; the amount of heat, moisture and gases produced ridges developingculture as end products of metabolism .
Meteorological factors: outdoor climate conditions that affect the climate cultivation areas through building envelope and ventilation .
Technical factors :The amount of heat, moisture and gaseous products of metabolism defines the required level of air in the cultivation room. Energy source for life microflora substrate and mushroom mycelium are carbonaceous material substrate by the decomposition of which stand the heat, moisture and carbon dioxide . The process of decomposition of carbon-containing compounds in the final phase can be represented as the oxidation of glucose .
Released during the metabolism of carbon dioxide accumulates inside the layersubstrate, penetrates through the layer of coating material to the environment and dissipated therein, this increases the concentration of C02 in the cultivation room air . Modification of the carbon dioxide concentration and temperature of the substrate, the zone of growth and fruiting bodies of the surrounding air is shown in Figure 20 .
spontaneousFermentation - phase 1 preparation of the substrate;
mycelial growth in the substrate and coating materials;
The success of the mushroom cultivationdepends on the first two periods, with which the quality of the substrate . As a result when the fermentation and heat treatment, it is important to create optimum conditions for the occurrence of environmental microbiological processes for producing high-quality substrate .
In the generative phase three important period of fruit formation until the end of fruiting . Since the period of fruit all the important processes of growth are moving from the inner areas of the substrate and coatingmaterial in the outer zone of the layer of coating material, and environmental conditions are controlled (regulator) development of fruiting bodies .
heating the substrate after filling the space to the pasteurization temperature - from about 40 to 56 ° C for 5 - 8 hours;
periodair at a temperature of the substrate 50 - 54 ° C with slow decreasing temperature (48 ° C minimum at the end of the period) for 4 - 8 days;
When growing mushrooms important role played by the rate of air flow over the surface ridges . E . B . Lambert found that by increasing the humidity in the cultivation room and the higher permissible flow rate of the ridges . When 70% humidity air velocity should be 0.15 - 0.3 m / s, 80 - 85% - 0.6 and90 - 95% - up to 2.4 m / s . For high speed air flow is allowed only during periods when there is no ridges fruiting . If the fruiting bodies on beds available, the rate of air flow tend to decrease to 0.2 - 0.3 m / s, which is enough for the required mass transfer between the substrate and the ambient air .
Depending on the size of the cultivation room and the number of possible ways to use the various systems and ventilation. In the cultivation of cells usefularea of 100 m2 with a limited number (3 - 5 cameras in a mushroom) usually apply the most simple system of forced ventilation, which includes the fan mounted on top of the end wall, with the dispensing channel or not . The fan takes the outside fresh air through ventilation window, drives it along the chambercultivation, excess air is removed from the room through the ventilation shaft or transom exhaust ventilation, located at the opposite end of the supply fan chamber wall . The system works without circulation and air humidification . Space heating is carried out through a system of pipes at the bottom of the camera alongside walls .
The air conditioning system in the camera regardless of the method of cultivation and growing size of the room has the following basic design . At the toppart of the end walls of the chamber mounted air conditioner (or conditioner Coil feeding air from a central air conditioner), including elements of heating, cooling and humidifying the air mixing chamber with a control valve for mixing of fresh and recirculation air, fan, air flow straightener andperforated dispensing channel (Fig. 21) .
Excess air from the chamber cultivation may be discharged into the atmosphere through the mine natural exhaustventilation, the so-called system overpressure or exhaust fan . However, in any case, the system of ventilation should be adjusted so that the camera constantly create a slight overpressure . This is to avoid being sucked into the chamber outside air and prevent possibleinfected culture fungal diseases during its cultivation . Mine ventilation is usually mounted in the front wall (opposite supply installation) camera cultivation .
Performance heating element must provide an increase in air flow at a temperature of 10 ° C with the fan at maximum flow of air, and the cooling performance of the element - decrease the flow temperature of at least10 ° C .
Conditioning control is automated . With the help of automation set the desired temperature, air humidity, as well as the position of the control valve and fan capacity (Fig. 23) . Inheating systems, cooling and steam supply valve mounted automatic executive - solenoid or proportional valves, pump to the heating system, the mechanism of the angle of rotation of the mixing air valve .
For centralized processing of the outside air and its subsequent distribution to cells growing through the main duct using the sectional co-current air-conditioning . Scheme conditioning system cameras with centralized processing of air in the shop mushroom cultivationshown in Figure 24 .
In accordance with the specified parameters supplied air outdoorair conditioner heating and cooling runs, humidification or dehumidification. air is heated via heat exchanger surface (preheating section) . coolant, typically water is heated to a temperature of 90 - 130 ° C . Depending on the power heat exchangers and climatic features of the terrain in air conditionersestablish one or two heating sections.
Central air conditioner must be capable of providing the amount of air depending on the number of cameras cultivation periods process in them, as well as heat, gas andwater generation in a given period of time in each cell cultivation, that is, the activity level of the substrate and formed the harvest . To do this, in the air conditioner, you can change the performance of the fan using the guide vanes, or fluid coupling inductor coupling . As the plenum can serve as a backboneduct. In the air conditioner using the DC motor is supplied air quantity is regulated automatic control system .
- About mushroom
- Classification, morphological and biological features of mushrooms
- Requirements mushrooms to environmental conditions .
- Power Features
- Reproduction
Cultivation structures
- Basic requirements for cultivation facilities
- Adapted premises
- Vegetable greenhouses, the potato and vegetable store, refrigerators .
- Special buildings
- Camera mushroom cultivation
- Possibility for pasteurization of substrate mycelium and germination in containers .
- Possibility for pasteurization and germination substrate mycelium weight
- Workshops COOKING substrate and coating material
- CLIMATE cultivation premises
- Composition and method of preparation of substrate
- Filled with substrate cultivation premises
- PASTEURIZATION substrate and conditioning period
- Cultivation and planting mycelium
- Coating material
- Care for the culture
- Harvest and in storage champignons
- Pest and disease
- Competitors champignons
- A set of protective and preventive measures
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