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- Hygiene measures .
- Technological measures
- About mushrooms
- Biological and physiological characteristics of mushroom
- Use of ventilation
- Coating coating material
- Culture stationary shelves
- Fruiting period
- Period of fruit
- Sprouting mycelium mass of the substrate (tunnel) .
- The period of growth fruiting bodies
- The period of mycelial growth in the substrate
- The period of mycelial growth in the substrate and coating materials
- Classification
- Species of mushrooms
- Composition of coating material
- Preparation of coating material
- Requirements for coating materials
- Ink mushroom
- Materials for the preparation of the substrate .
- Preparation of semi-synthetic and synthetic substrates .
- Short composting method
- Substrate (compost)
- The classic method of preparation of the substrate, or spontaneous fermentation .
- The need for raw materials for the preparation of the substrate .
- Coating material
- Growing
- Landing
- Adapted premises
- Basic requirements for cultivation facilities
- Camera mushroom cultivation
- Possibility for pasteurization and germination substrate mycelium weight
- Possibility for pasteurization of substrate mycelium and germination in containers .
- Special buildings
- Vegetable greenhouses, the potato and vegetable store, refrigerators .
- Filling Container
- Filling cultivation premises substrate
- Filling stationary racks
- Champignon standard
- Harvesting
- Mushrooms non-standard
- Storage mushrooms
- Air
- Pasteurization
- Pasteurization substrate in the classical way .
- Pasteurization substrate in weight
- Period C
- Preparation of cultivation space
- Tips for the organization of production
- Bacterial diseases
- Deformation and deflection of the fruiting bodies of non-parasitic nature
- High yields
- Illness
- PESTS champignons
- Viral infection .
- General
- Method of reproduction
- Common
- Humidity
- Light
- Temperature
- Comparative characteristics of mushroom cultivation systems ,
- Growing
- Guilds cooking
- Mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the shop preparing the coating material .
- Mechanization of labor-intensive processes in the shop preparing the substrate .
- Preparation of substrate
- Workshop preparation of the coating material
Requirements mushrooms to environmental conditions .
Agaricus refers to a group mesophytes, that is, organisms required for normal growth and development of a sufficiently high humidity . H . D . Gromov found that the optimal growth and fruiting ridged culture mushroom substrate humidity is 45 - 50 % . Increasing the humidity of over 60% a negative effect on the growth ratemycelium, mycelium with arachnoid quickly becomes thick . ego because compacted substrate having a moisture content of 60% or more, and breathable enough mycelium extends only in the upper layer of the substrate, without penetrating deeply into the ridges in connection with which quickly becomes thick . This is manifested in the conditionsinadequate ventilation in indoor cultivation, where the culture is grown on flat or semi-circular ridges height of 30 - 40 cm .
Changing moisture in the coating material largely influences on the growth of mycelium in the layer of coating material and further fruiting. Inlack of moisture in the coating material, particularly with dry bottom layer in the first days after the application phase, delayed germination mycelium in coating material and as a result - a few days the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase. In this fruiting bodies grow very slowly late fruiting . Excessive moisture coatingaccelerates transfer layer web in the form of mycelium in a thickened, and in some cases may cause undesired premature onset of fruiting and rapid aging and death of the mycelium, which leads to reduction of yield .
Optimumhumidity in the vegetative growth phase, that is, from the mycelium before sowing mycelium focal surface appearance of the coating material layer is in the range 90 - 95, and during the fruiting - 85 - 90%
Of fruit and mushroom fruiting occur in a narrower range of concentration of C02 (0.01 - 0.1%) . Increased carbon dioxide content in the air above the optimum leads to slower growth of fruiting bodies, elongated legs, forming a small diameter of the cap, which is fasterdisclosed .
- About mushroom
- Classification, morphological and biological features of mushrooms
- Requirements mushrooms to environmental conditions .
- Power Features
- Reproduction
Cultivation structures
- Basic requirements for cultivation facilities
- Adapted premises
- Vegetable greenhouses, the potato and vegetable store, refrigerators .
- Special buildings
- Camera mushroom cultivation
- Possibility for pasteurization of substrate mycelium and germination in containers .
- Possibility for pasteurization and germination substrate mycelium weight
- Workshops COOKING substrate and coating material
- CLIMATE cultivation premises
- Composition and method of preparation of substrate
- Filled with substrate cultivation premises
- PASTEURIZATION substrate and conditioning period
- Cultivation and planting mycelium
- Coating material
- Care for the culture
- Harvest and in storage champignons
- Pest and disease
- Competitors champignons
- A set of protective and preventive measures
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