
Coating material

Requirements for coating materials

It should have a solid fine lumpy structure . The cover material with a high content of silt particles, for example based on loam, easily spreads when watering, then at desiccation forms a dense crust that prevents gas exchange, creates unfavorable conditions for the development of mushroom . The cover materiallarge-lumpy structure can lead to damage of hyphae at harvest time, as when removing the fruiting bodies of lumps of coating material shifted, and hyphae are cut off .

The reaction of the coating material must be weakly alkaline, or at least neytralv-term (pH aqueous suspension is 7.2 - 7.6). In the process of vegetative growth and fruiting coating material rather quickly acidified to pH decreases fructification end 6.5 - 6.3 . buffered medium and neutralizationacid products of metabolism mycelium occur due to calcium added to the main component in the form of ground limestone or marl . Lack of calcium is a strong negative effect on the development of the fungus than some of its excess .

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