
Coating material

Composition of coating material

For the preparation of the coating material may be different types of soil, nisin and transition peat moss, coarse river sand, crushed and finely ground limestone, marl, dolomite or chalk, sludge usually in admixture with various ratios of the components . In some studying the possibility of using as a coverporous material of synthetic materials, but they were not economically viable .

Lack of sandy soil - its small water capacity,requiring moderate but frequent watering. In addition, when on sandy soil Coating two, three comb rollers prewetting necessary as insufficient moist soil crumbling with their lateral surfaces .

Loamy and sandy soils consist of fine silty clay particles with more or less sand content . These soils are more viscous than sand, contain severalmore humus and have a higher moisture content and sufficient air permeability . more weakly acidic reaction medium, therefore, it must be neutralized with limestone or marl .

Coating on the ridge at the depth of the layershould be small - 2 - 3 cm . mushroom growing in clay soils are used for blending with less cohesive soils or peat .

The reaction of lime soil, usually weakly alkaline, so neutralization is required . Soil has a high moisture content, almost equal in thepeat .

For the preparation of the coating material may be peat moss and which has a very high water capacity, but it has a strongly acidic reaction medium . As a result the ratio of components is changed upward neutralizing material - one part peattake two dolomite aggregate . In the areas of sugar factories noteworthy use as a neutralizing material defecate - waste of sugar manufacture .

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