Ripening (20 - 25 days from germination to technical maturity), yielding variety for mass gatherings on the beam . Eaten fresh, in salads and hash . Root round, bright red, large, up to 5 cm in diameter, with no voids and coarse fibers with a thin skin . The flesh is white, juicy, verysweet, slightly tangy taste, long fade . Mass root of 30 - 40 g . Resistant to ingrowth of flower shoots in the first year of vegetation . Sowing the ground produced in late April - early May to a depth of 1 cm under the scheme 5 - 7 x 15 cm . Different small tops and fast bulk of roots . Yield 3.2 - 3.4 kg / m 2 . re-seeding in mid-Julyallow to obtain even greater harvest in August and September .