New, ripening varieties (ripening period 20 - 25 days), to have friendly formation of roots aligned . Will surprise the original color, high technological quality and compositioncompete with any prestigious varieties . Root purple, smooth, rounded shape with a thin tail, weighing 15 - 20 g, long fade . flesh is firm, crisp, very tender and juicy, wonderfully tasty, with a high content of essential oils and mineral salts . bolting Sort not exposed, therefore it is possiblesuccessfully grow it during the summer . When sown in autumn is perfect for storage, without losing their taste for a month . For sowing radish selected plot early coming out of the snow, with a light fertile soil . The predecessor of radish can be any vegetables except the cabbage family . Beforeplanting in the soil fertilized . Radishes sown in several terms: the end of April (harbor bed of the film before emergence), in the future, if necessary, sowing is carried out with an interval of 2 - 2.5 weeks for winter storage later