565 Group : Sort ofType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 7 - 9 cm Maturation : is mid Weight (g . ) : 80 - 100 g Purpose : fresh or for canning | 564 Group : Sort ofType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 8 - 10 cm Maturation : Early Weight (g . ) : 60 - 75 g Purpose : for fresh salads, salting and pickling | |
321 | 322 | |
557 Group : HybridType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : Medium early Weight (g . ) : 60 - 70 g Purpose : universal | 557 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : Ultra-early maturing Purpose : Universal | |
323 | 324 | |
556 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : middle Weight (g . ) : 50 - 80 g Purpose : Universal | 554 Group : Sort ofType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 18 - 26 cm Maturation : early maturing Weight (g . ) : 300 g . Purpose : for pickling and canning fresh | |
325 | 326 | |
553 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 14 cm Maturation : early maturing Weight (g . ) : 120 g , Purpose : salad | 553 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 15 cm Maturation : is mid Weight (g . ) : 95 - 105 g Purpose : Universal | |
327 | 328 | |
552 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : Precocious Weight (g . ) : 90 - 110 g Purpose : fresh, salting marinating | 545 Group : HybridType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 8 - 9 cm . Maturation : middle Weight (g . ) : 60 - 110 g Purpose : fresh or for pickling and preserving | |
329 | 330 | |
545 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 9.2 - 9.4 cm Maturation : is mid Weight (g . ) : 65 g . Purpose : for fresh consumption | 544 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 14 cm Maturation : late Weight (g . ) : 90 - 120 g . Purpose : for fresh consumption, canning and pickling | |
331 | 332 | |
543 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : Early Weight (g . ) : 100 - 120 g Purpose : Universal | 540 Group : VarietyType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : ultra-fast Weight (g . ) : 80 - 100 g Purpose : for fresh consumption, canning and pickling | |
333 | 334 | |
540 Group : HybridType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 30 - 35 cm Maturation : Medium early Weight (g . ) : 300 - 400 g Purpose : for pickling and canning fresh | 540 Group : HybridType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : up to 22 cm Maturation : The mid Weight (g . ) : 170 - 200 g Purpose : Universal | |
335 | 336 | |
538 Group : HybridType pollination : parthenocarpic Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : Early Weight (g . ) : 90 - 100 g Purpose : Universal | 532 Group : HybridType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 8 - 10 cm Maturation : early maturing Weight (g . ) : 80 - 110 g . Purpose : for canning and fresh consumption . | |
337 | 338 | |
532 Group : HybridType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 10 - 12 cm Maturation : early maturing Weight (g . ) : 90 - 110 g . Purpose : for fresh market and processing | 531 Group : Sort ofType pollination : pcheloopyljaemogo Zelentsy length (cm) : 8 - 12 cm Maturation : early maturing Weight (g . ) : 93 - 103 g Purpose : for fresh consumption, canning and pickling | |
339 | 340 | |