Calendar grower



May - last month of spring, but not always warm .

In May, it is important to preserve seedlingsor planted seedlings from frost . Plants Cover the paper cap or plastic wrap . However, the film is not sufficiently reliable means, since frost below 2 ° C, the plants are damaged . To be sure, over the film before freezing at night cover the plant in any opaque material, mats . Good resultsenables the use of irrigation sprinkler in the evening and early morning hours . Watering start temperature is lowered to plus 1 - 2 ° C . Wet soil produces heat, while the temperature rises above the plants. In connection with the increased air humidity over portion watered plants lose less heat radiation.

Additional spraying water film on the eve of frost in the evening and cover it from above the second layer of the film can serve as a reliable protection against freezing, even for heat-loving vegetable crops .

It is necessary to prepare the land for planting cucumbers under the film .

Earlier and higher yields are obtained by sowing cucumbers 2 - 3 yearseeds, and therefore have their good margin . Store seeds in cloth bags at room temperature. sown into furrows watered well at a distance of 60 cm between the rows and about 2 - 3 cm between the seeds. the seed is a layer of soil or humus in 2 - 3 cm thick . After sowing strewn with a layer of soil must be compacted by hand or with the back ofrake, or a loose layer of soil dries out quickly and the seeds do not germinate . It accelerates the emergence of seedlings . and their growth shelter plantings film . In this case, immediately after seeding on land set wire arc at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from one another and they pull the film . The edges of the film is sprinkled the ground to avoid being blown away by the wind . Soil underwarming film that provides rapid germination of seeds, seedlings under cover are not damaged by frost .

If you are caring for seedlings thermophilic cultures (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant) in greenhouses (on heating) try her utmost to temper . To do this, regularly ventilate greenhouses, especially after watering . In windless days and night (when the outside air temperature is not lower than 10- 12 ° C) remove the frame or substitute for them high and props remain open . The exception is the seedlings of cucumber, zucchini, squash . In accordance with the required temperature lift the frame on props of different heights and only on the leeward side . On night omit them, and when cold weather further Cover the top matahli,matting .

When growing cucumbers in greenhouses on habitat-_live first culture greenhouse for planting prepared as follows. After packing and rainfall hot manure along the greenhouses at its center makes a furrow depth of 10 - 12 and 25 cm wide and covered the surface of the greenhouse nutrient mixture of two parts turf and one parthumus or peat land in the form of crest height up to 22 cm . The rest of the greenhouse, where possible, to sleep the same mixture, but a layer of up to 10 cm . It is possible to use for this old-and the greenhouse or compost soil if it is within two winters subjected j ology freezing .

If you notice that the plants develop slowly, besides the whip at them thin leaves are small, pale, so they do not have food or they "zazyabli" . In this case the plants fed with a solution of fresh mullein (1 liter per 10 liters of water ) or bird droppings (1 liters15 liters of water) . Under the frame watering can spend any solution . Then the first sunny day (noon) plants make "poultice" - not only watered planting, but also the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, and the frames immediately closed . In Throughout the summer frame with greenhouses are not removed .

Cauliflower vitamin C content2 - 3 times higher than white cabbage . Prized for its high content of easily digestible protein . A lot of it vitamins Bi, B2, B3, PP, as well as mineral salts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, found substances that are beneficial for the nervous system of the person . Cauliflower better than others, absorbed by the body and is especially useful for children andalso people suffering . gastro-intestinal diseases .

Since cabbage is resistant to frost a little, then sow the seeds in the soil can be at the beginning of May . At the same time the seedlings planted his first term. Age seedlings should be 35 - 40 days .

Clean cauliflower and selectively used for cookingsoups, main dishes, salads . Kohlrabi - very interesting kind of cabbage and deserves to be in the garden has always been a bit of space, and this plant . In the food goes globular fruit stem mainly fresh . Kohlrabi hasty plant - from sowing until harvest takes about 60 days . According to the content of vitamin Ckohlrabi cabbage is also superior, it is often called the "Northern lemon" .

The collection of kohlrabi can not be delayed, as' lost juiciness fruit stalk . Stebleplod ready for harvest when the diameter of 7 - 9 cm . Tender, juicy stebleplod obtained with sufficient security water plants .

Spring wind dries the top layer of the soil,which placed sown seeds, which also delays the appearance of seedlings and development of previously appeared. But we should not rush with irrigation . Cold irrigation water will delay the development of plants . Where there shoots better gently loosen the soil. By the way, loosening of the upper soil layer acts as a dry irrigation, since looseningbroken capillaries through which soil moisture rises to the upper layers of the soil and then evaporates . After loosening the soil surface soil is desirable to sleep well decomposed humus, that is, spend mulching . When precipitation or irrigation through a layer of humus occurs fertilizing plants various nutrientssubstances in the humus that water seeps to the roots of plants . On mulch plots well rotted humus layer of mulch under long the soil moisture and soil crust formed after irrigation or rainfall, and therefore there is no need frequent loosening the plot . Unfortunately, this simple and veryeffective method of increasing the yield of vegetable crops are not widely used . And he also also improves the thermal regime of the soil, which is very important for the conditions of our country .

In late May, continue sowing of green vegetables - radishes, lettuce, fennel, spinach, watercress . But they must be sown a little . Better in 10 - 15 days to sow again. In the same period, it is necessary to plant perennial vegetables - rhubarb, sorrel, onions, if they * do not seeded at an earlier date .

Sow vegetable peas, and a little later - inend of May - and beans . These vegetables are rich in vegetable protein and are very useful for humans .

Value is determined by the bean and its medicinal properties . Favorable ratio of bean seeds in potassium and sodium promotes excretion of fluid andfacilitates the work of the cardiovascular system . Useful beans and gout, rheumatism, polyneuritis . It contains a substance which, like insulin reduces blood sugar in diabetes . From the seeds of beans soups, pies, salads, side dishes .

Beans can be sown as a seal between the rows of cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, root vegetables, tomatoes . In the joint cropsBean is in a more favorable conditions, which subsequently increases its harvest .

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