Calendar grower


Indoor garden

In January, continue to grow vegetables in the room using the window sills, shelves . This is a very important job, since health is necessary daily intake of fresh vegetables, especially in the winter months . Remember that the daily minimum rate of consumption of vegetables, recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences,about 450 g .

You can expel onion greens and saucers, if they make a cardboard cup with holesfor bulbs . In this case, the land is not required, just need water .

Except green onions can be grown watercress, mustard greens, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, fennel . It is very early maturing plant, and when you consider that their leaves can be used in the food already in the phase of seedling, then in 15 - 20 days after sowing will be ready to harvest green .

Celery can grow in a potmore than one year . If there are flower arrows, they should be broken off . To feed using conventional fertilizing mix for houseplants: 0.5 liters of water - a quarter teaspoon celery watered it once in ten days .

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