Variety of medium: from germination to technical maturity of 73 - 78 to 85 days of ripening . Duration of technical maturity of 6 - 7 days . The stem is simple, slightly branched, internodes shortened . Plant height of 60 - 70 cm . Leafy average . Before the first inflorescence 18 - 22 knots, the number of fruit-bearing units 5 -7 . Leaflets green, oblong-ovate, medium . Flower white . Beans for shelling, green, pointed, straight, medium size (7 - 9 cm) . The number of pods per plant 8 - 10, on the same node 1 - 2 . Peas aligned in size, the average particle size, the dry matter containing 21.5 - 22.1%, sugar 5.5 - 6.0% ascorbic acid 28 - 35mg% to 3% starch . Seeds gray-green, wrinkled . Weight 1,000 170 - 176 g . The yield of beans 11 - 13 t / ha of seed 2.2 - 2.5 t / ha, the yield of green peas 48 - 49% . Suitable for mechanized cultivation, resistant to root rot and peronosporosis .