Peas Comet
Color grains in technical ripeness - dark green . Pea in the technical maturity - yellow-greencolor, overripe - very sweet yellow yield is very high .
The stem is normal, light bluish-green, height 75 - 98 cm . The total number of internodes per plant 15 - 19, the first inflorescence 10 - 13 . Inflorescence - two floral brush, flowers are large, white . The beans direct sometimes slightly bent, with a blunt end . The average length of 5.6 - 7.2 cm . The number of seeds inbob 5 - 6, maximum - 8 . Seed yellow, rounded, smooth . Weight of 1000 seeds - 244 - 250 g .
Variety of medium . Vegetation perіod 94 - 103 dnі .
Stіyky to dry land .
For data rate zayavnika visіvu 1.2 million / ha similar nasіnin .
Got Bіlka 21.1 - 25.9% .
Especially stіyky to poshkodzhennya Korenevo rots .
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