Of medium, from germination totechnical maturity of 57 - 64 days . The plant is slightly leafy, stem simple, determinate length of 60 - 65 cm, with short internodes, green . The number of internodes per plant 19 - 21, to the first inflorescence 16 - 20 . Sheet ordinary type with 2 - 3 pairs of medium size, ovate, bluish-green, entire leaves. Stipules ovate, glaucous-green . The flowers are white middle for 2 - 3 short peduncles . Bob slightly curved with pointed tip, length 9.4 cm, width 1.3 cm with 7 - 8 seeds inside, in technical ripeness dark green, full - green, parchment strong layer . 7 per plant - 9 beans . Seeds wrinkled, square-flattened, yellow-green . weight of 1000 seeds 229 - 240 g . Peas intechnical ripeness dark green aligned in size, the output of beans is 45% . The variety is resistant to Fusarium root rot, moth damaged by 9%