Without leaves do not crumble, mid (65 - 92 days from germination to full technical maturity peas) sort of shelling peas . Plant height 70 - 120 cm . The leaves are modified to mustache . The flowers are white, 1 - 2 at the node . Beans slightly curved, with a blunt tip, 4 - 6 seeds parchment layer available . Peas in a sleek technical maturity, aligned in size . Taste qualities are excellent . Prized for excellent processing quality, resistance to pea aphid, Ascochyta pisi L . Recommended for fresh consumption, drying and freezing phase of milky-wax ripeness and further processing . Used in home cookingas a high-protein food ingredient in soups, as a side dish and some dishes . Yield 0.2 - 0.4 kg / m 2 . sowing in early spring on the sunny side of the site to a depth of 4 - 6 cm . Figure 15 seeding x 30 cm .