Fungicide Quadris

Fungicide Quadris
Description Fungicide Quadris

Broad spectrum fungicide to protect the grape, and tomatocucumbers open and protected ground, archery and sports turf of complex diseases, potatoes - by Rhizoctonia and silver scurf (with soil application) . Active substance: azoxystrobin, 250 g / l . Helps to increase productivity, strengthening and extending the photosynthesis of leaves, improve product quality and profitabilitycrop .

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Requests SPECIFICATIONS Where to buy?
Pestpowdery mildew, peronosporosis
Waiting period3 days
Processing timeduring the growing season
Max. number of treatments2
The rate of application office . liquid800-1000 l / ha
Preparation consumption rate0.4-0.6 kg / ha
Directions for use
Weatherwindless no rain
Resistancenot identified
Protection period2-3 weeks
Preparation consumption rate6 ml . 5 l . water for 1 sq.m.
Key Features
ManufacturerOOO "Syngenta"
Compatiblecompatible with others . fungicides and insecticides
Date of expiry3 years
Toxicitytoxic tosome types of apple trees
Active ingredientazoxystrobin, 250 g / l
Action spectruma
Properties of the preparationpreventive, curative and eradicate
The druganti-sporulating
Mechanism of actioninhibits spore germination and growth of the hyphae of fungi
DestructionRhizoctonia, silver scab, late blight, downy mildew
Purposeprotection of grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, potatoes
Processing timewhen planting tubers
Waiting period60 days
Max. number of treatments1
The rate of application office . liquid80-200 l / ha
Preparation consumption rate3 kg / ha
Pestsheath blight, silver scurf
Pestlate blight , powdery mildew, alternaria
Preparation consumption rate0.4-0.6 kg / ha
The rate of application office . liquid600 l / ha
Max. number of treatments2
Waiting period5 days
Processing timeduring the growing season ,
Pestfrost, mildew
Preparation consumption rate0.6-0.8 kg / ha
The rate of application office . liquid1 000 l / ha ,
Max. number of treatments2
Waiting period25 days
Processing timeduring the growing season
