Fungicide Polikarbatsin

Description Fungicide Polikarbatsin

Polikarbatsin - systemic fungicide protective and therapeutic action, which is used on fruit and vegetable crops to control late blight, spotted, downy mildew, Phomopsis, downy mildew, black spot,gray and white rot, macrosporiosis (concentric dry leaf spot), mildew, etc. . Preparation consumption rate: 20 g . 10 liters . water . Apply by spraying during the growing season .

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Requests SPECIFICATIONS Where to buy?
Apple, pear, quince
PestCoccomuces hiemalis (affects mainlyleaves of stone fruit trees), monilia, crinkle
Preparation consumption rate20 g . 10 liters . water
Max. number of treatments6
Processing timeduring the growing season
Pestrust, cercospora blight, peronosporosis
Preparation consumption rate20 g . 10 liters . water
Max. number of treatments2
Processing timeduring the growing season
Directions for use
Featuresas a replacement for Bordeaux mixture
Safetyuse of personal protective equipment ,
Processing timeat the initial appearance of diseases
Key Features
Securityslightly toxic
Formulation75% wettable powder
The drugprotective
Destructionmildew, anthracnose, black, white and gray mold
Purposeto protect the grapes, potatoes, tomatoes
Processing timeduring the growing season
Max. number of treatments4
Preparation consumption rate20 g . 10 liters . Water
Pestmacrosporiosis (concentric dry leaf spot), late blight, brown spot
Pestlate blight, macrosporiosis
Preparation consumption rate20 g . 10 liters . water
Max. number of treatments4
Processing timeduring the growing season
