Fungicide Previkur

Fungicide Previkur
Description Fungicide Previkur

Previkur - fungicide to protect vegetable crops and greenhouse diseases . systemic action . The active plant growth stimulator . Previkur used to protect seedlings of cucumber, tomato,peppers, eggplant, cabbage, watermelon against root and stem rot .  Cucumber against downy mildew during the growing season is carried out spraying the leaves of plants with a solution of 0.2% (10 ml per 5 liters of water) . The best protection is achieved by preventive treatment .

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Requests SPECIFICATIONS Where to buy?
Waiting period5 days
Processing timeduring the growing season
Max. number of treatments2
The rate of application office . liquid500-1500 l
Preparation consumption rate2-3 kg / ha
Directions for use
Weatherwhen wind speed of 4 - 5 m / s
Safetyuse of personal protective equipment
Resistancenot identified
The speed of impact3 - 4 hours
Protection period2 - 3 weeks
Preparation consumption rate10 ml of the drug 5 liters of water to
Processing timeduring the growing season
Key Features
ManufacturerBayer CropScience
Compatiblecompatible with others . pesticides, except for highly alkaline
Date of expiry2 years
Securitymoderately dangerous mix
Formulationaqueous concentrate pink
Active ingredientpropamocarb hydrochloride at a concentration of 607 g / l
Action spectruma
Properties of the preparationsafety, growth promoting
The drugincreases the resistance of plants infection
Mechanism of actionviolates the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows spore germination
Destructionroot rot, mildew
Purposeforprotection of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cabbage
Groupfungicides ,
