Fungicide Copper sulfate

Fungicide Copper sulfateFungicide Copper sulfateFungicide Copper sulfate
Description Fungicide Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate-fungicide to protect plants from disease . Copper sulphate and preparations based on copper sulfate are the most safe for human fungicides . Fungicide designed to protect crops such as apple, pear, plum, quince, apricot, peach, cherry cherry,gooseberries, currants and other crops . Copper sulfate is used to combat diseases: scab, brown spot (Phyllosticta), monilia, desiccation, Clasterosporium (perforated spotting) Coccomuces hiemalis (affects mainly the leaves of stone fruit trees), monilia, crinkle , anthracnose, septoria spot and other spots .

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Requests SPECIFICATIONS Where to buy?
Apple, pear, quince
Pestscab, brown spot (Phyllosticta), monilia, crinkle
Preparation consumption rate100 g per 10 liters of water
The rate of application office . liquid2 - 5 liters per tree
Processing timebefore bud break
Apricots, peaches, cherries, plums
PestClasterosporium (perforated spotting) Coccomuces hiemalis (affects mainly the leaves of stone fruit trees) , monilia, crinkle
Preparation consumption rate50 - 100 g per 10 liters of water
The rate of application office . liquid2 - 5 liters per tree
Processing timebefore bud break
Directions for use
Weatherwindless, dry weather
Safetyuse of personal protective equipment
Maximum number of treatments1
Resistancenot identified ,
The speed of impact2:00
Protection period7 ​​- 12 days
Preparation consumption rate50 g . 5 l. water
Processing timebefore bud break
Gooseberry, currant
Pestanthracnose, septoria spot and other spotted
Preparation consumption rate50 - 100 g per 10 liters of water to
The rate of application office . liquid1.5 liters per plant
Processing timebefore bud break
Key Features
Compatibleincompatible with others. drugs
Securitymoderately hazardous compound ,
Toxicitynon-phytotoxic, Low hazard for bees
Active ingredientcopper sulfate at a concentration of 960 g / kg
Properties of the preparationdisinfection of wounds in fruit
The drugmicrofertilizer shortfall of copper in the soil ,
Destructionscab moniliosis, anthracnose
Purposefor the protection of fruit, ornamental trees and Ku
Ornamental plants
The rate of application office . liquid10 L / 100 sq. M
Preparation consumption rate50 g per 1 liter of water
Pestblack leaf spot, powdery mildew
Processing timelate autumn
