Hybridearly maturing, bee-pollinated, salad, canning . The plant is indeterminate, medium height, slightly climbing, female type of flowering . The leaves are dark green, medium size . Gherkin short, cylindrical, dark green with faint spotting, large lumpy, white pubescence, medium density . Mass Gherkins 86 - 95 g . Tasteexcellent .
Trading yields 216 - 650 kg / ha, 21 - 130 kg / ha higher standards Squad F 1 and F Schick 1 . Out of marketable products 89 - 96% . Yield early production up to 150 kg / ha, 52 p / ha higher standard Schick F 1 .
Resistant to . MR and tolerant to LMR (Downy Mildew) .