Cucumber Tom Thumb F1
Parthenocarpic gherkins beam-hybrid type of female flowering . ripening (plants come into bearing 39 - 41 minutes day from seedling) hybrid generic type of cultivation (adapted foropen ground, spring greenhouses, tunnels) . In the nodes formed by 2 - 3 to 5 - 6 ovaries . Gherkin Gherkin type, oval, length of 8 - 11 cm, rarely finely tuberculate, with white spikes . Weight Gherkins 50 - 65 g, taste great . Suitable for pickling and canning . Trading yields 10 - 13 kg / m 2 . Hybrid resistant to powdery mildew,olive spot, cucumber mosaic virus (PTO-1), is tolerant to downy mildew . The value of a hybrid: earliness, the tendency to the formation of ovaries Sheaf, intense fruit bearing, short-fertility .
+ Cucumbers improve appetite, promote digestion and removal of residues from the body .
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