The mid (52 - 57 days) parthenocarpic hybrid for cultivation in winter greenhouses and open field . Plant powerful medium climbing, with a female type of flowering . Pickles cylindrical, medium- and large lumpy, dark green with stripes of medium size, with white pubescence, length 18 - 20 cm,weighing 180 - 200 g, sweet, juicy, fragrant, without bitterness, without voids . Yield when grown in greenhouses Winter 180 - 200 g, in the open field - 5.7 - 7.2 kg / m² . The value of the hybrid : resistance to powdery mildew and Ascochyta pisi L . , tolerance to low temperature and shade, suitable for long transportation, well maintained in vivowithin 12 - 15 days without losing merchantability and without forming voids . It is recommended to use fresh, pickling and canning .