Very precocious (43 - 45 days from germination to fruiting) parthenocarpic hybrid type of female flowering . Suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and in the open under the temporary film shelters . The sowing for seedlings in late April . transplanting into the ground inlate May - early June . transplanting produced in phase 3 - 4 true leaves, the scheme 50 × 50 cm . Sowing directly into the ground - at the end of May . Gherkin length of 10 - 12 cm, weight 90 - 100 g, coarsely tuberculate, tubercles beautiful, clear, with brown spines . The flesh is dense, without bitterness, the skin is tender . The fruit is dark green in color, light strips 1/3the length of the fetus, have good keeping quality and transportability. in the leaf axils formed to 4 ovaries . Small crunchy cucumbers are great for marinating, salting, cooking fresh summer salads . Hybrid resistant to all major diseases - real and false powdery mildew, root rot, olive spots,so long plants remain green, leaf yellowing, fruiting continues to the most frost . Yield per plant 5.0 - 6.5 kg .