Cucumber Squirrel F1
Early parthenocarpic indeterminate hybrid type of female flowering . Branching from a limited to an average . lateral shoots a lot, but they can be shortened . In the nodes formed by 1 - 3 or more ovaries . Picklesfusiform-cylindrical without handles, white and fetal (coloring gherkins pistachio whitish, slightly greenish) length of 9 - 11 cm and a diameter of 3.0 - 3.5 cm . pubescence average, medium-sized bumps . spices and salt-coating high quality . Hybrid resistant to olive spot, cucumber mosaic virus common, powdery mildew,tolerant to downy mildew .
F 1 Squirrel - the first white fetal parthenocarpic gherkins beam-hybrid type of female flowering .
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