Hybrid Cucumber female type of flowering "Beth alpha" (Beit Alpha), type mini . Maturation relatively early . Plant powerful and healthy . Excellent resistance to a whole range of diseases make it suitable for hybrid growing under different conditions . Fruits cylindrical shape, smooth, with a medium-rich green color,very aligned, a length of 15 - 18 cm . It has a high tolerance to heat . Since a relatively thin rind, typical for this segment, the high yield of fruits is obtained when grown on a trellis. resistant to cucumber mosaic virus ( serogroup 1), powdery mildew (intermediate resistance), watermelon mosaic virus, the virusyellow mosaic virus and Cucurbita pepo ringspot papaya tree . Though Samarkand very suitable for growing on a trellis, it is mainly used for growing plants in the open field . An excellent variety for sale in the fresh form, as well as for processing .