Included in the State Register of the West-Siberian (10) for the regioncultivation in open field . Early maturing, parthenocarpic, salad, salt-coating, canning . Plant determinant, slightly tall, slightly branched, mostly female type of flowering .
Leaves are small, green . Gherkin short, cylindrical, large lumpy, green stripes with short, black pubescence . Palatabilityfresh and canned fruit, good and excellent .
Trading productivity in open ground 243 - 583 kg / ha, 51 - 89 t / ha higher than the standards and Altai Squad F 1 . For early production yield (138 kg / ha) exceeds the standard Militia F 1 78 c / ha . The output of marketable products 92% . Weakly susceptible to downy mildew and root rot .