Hybrid from very early to early-maturing, parthenocarpic, salad,Canning .
The plant is indeterminate, medium height, medium-branched, mostly female type of flowering . The leaves are large, green . Gherkin short, cylindrical, green with stripes of medium length, with small tubercles, white pubescence dense . Weight 70 - 94 g . taste great .
Trading yields 193 - 295 kg / ha, 73 - 93 t / ha higher standardGraceful . Maximum yield 377 kg / ha, 63 kg / ha higher standard Julian F 1 . Harvest early production 87 - 214 kg / ha, 70 - 91 t / ha higher standards Sleek and Julian F 1 . The output of marketable products 95 - 99% .
Resistant to leaf (olive) spot .