Parthenocarpic, multi-purpose . Comes into bearing 40 -45th day after full shoots . The plant is indeterminate, vigorous, highly-branched, mostly female type of flowering, number of flowers per node 1 - 3 . The leaves are medium sized, green, smooth, flat on the edge . Gherkin cylindrical shape with a short neck, green with white stripes, slightly ribbed, medium-sized bumps, rare,pubescence white . Mass Gherkins 100 - 110 g, length 11 - 12 cm, 4 cm in diameter . Taste excellent quality gherkins . Productivity of commodity fruits of 6.3 kg / sq.m. M . Resistant to leaf (olive) spot, fusarium, powdery and downy mildew, brown leaf spot . The value of the hybrid: earliness, short-fertility and lumpygherkins, processability, resistance to disease .