Cucumber Hermes F1
Early, very yielding hybrid . The plant growth medium strength, forms flowers mainly female type . fruits nice cylindrical length of 7 - 9 cm, and grow not deformed . characterized by a good crop structure: cucumbers flavorful, crunchy,void-free, do not turn yellow. Requires a daily fee . A hybrid is relatively resistant to downy mildew mosaic virus . Used for fresh consumption, pickling and canning .
The period from germination to start fruiting - 55 - 60 days . Designed for outdoor cultivation . Fruit is cylindrical, short (ratiolength to width ratio - 3: 1) and the intensity of green color, slightly lumpy. The seeds are sown after the threat of frost 0.5 - 0.8 g / m 2 in a depth of 2 - 3 cm in wide (90 - 140 cm) The distance between plants in the row 15 - 20 cm . Yield fruit 4.5 - 5.5 kg / m 2 . Grade High tolerance to defeat downy mildew, powdery mildew and mosaic virus . Carethe plants usual, customary for the growing area
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