Early (40 - 42 from germination to harvest) pcheloopyljaemogo variety for cultivation in the open field and under the temporary filmshelters . slightly tall plant with limited growth of side shoots (does not require a form obtained by cutting, suitable for small gardens) . Gherkin oval, large and rare-lumpy, dark green stripes with short and mild spotting, white spikes length of 8 - 10 cm, diameter 3.2 - 4.0 cm, weight 60 - 75 g . sowing seedlings at the endApril . transplanting into the ground in late May - early June in phase 3 - 4 true leaves. Sowing directly into the ground - in May - June . Scheme planting 30 x 70 cm . Grade high-yielding, with friendly impact crop has combined resistance to major diseases of cucumber . The fruits are delicious, crunchy, without voids during storage andtransporting long retain commercial quality multi-purpose (of fresh salads, canning) . Yield 3.5 - 6.0 kg / m 2 .