Pcheloopyljaemogo Beam yielding hybrid type of female flowering for open-field cultivation, spring greenhouses, tunnels . Branching limited . Gherkins Gherkins type, coarsely tuberculate with white spikes length of 8 - 12 cm, very highsalt-coating quality . Designed for cask salting, as well as for the preservation of mini cucumbers in banks . knots formed from 2 - 5 to 8 - 10 ovaries, ripening fruit in serial nodes . Special features: fetal growth retardation, which greatly reduces the possibility of escalation in rare collections . With good pollination, almost all of the ovarybecome Zelentsy dried ovaries small . Resistant to spot an olive, cucumber mosaic virus common, tolerant to powdery mildew and downy mildew . For further hybrid sow pollinator 10% . Painted pollinator seeds embedded in each packet hybrid .