F 1 hybrids is mid, from germination to fruiting 56 - 61 days, parthenocarpic, with a female type of flowering . The plant is longer than 3 m, forms a 5 - 7 side shoots . leaf green, medium sizes, five-blade, medium dissected . Gherkin cylindrical, with a smooth, glossy surface, light green in color, withrare white pubescence, without a handle . Pickles Weight 110 - 140 g, length 14 - 16 cm, diameter 3.5 - 4, 0 cm . The fruits of high palatability (4.5 points), without bitterness. nitrates accumulated less than other hybrids . The main advantages of the hybrid - small Gherkin, endurance to downy and powdery mildew, suitability for cultivation in allkulturooboro-s .
Yields in the winter-spring culture for the first month fee of 3.1 - 4.4, to June 1 - 16.2 - 17.6, in the spring culture - 10.0 - 12.5 kg / m 2 .
It is intended for cultivation in the winter-spring, spring and summer-autumn cultivation circles .
Zoned in Russian .