Early maturing, bee-pollinated, salad, canning . The plant is indeterminate,medium height, medium-branched, mostly female-like blooms with a sheaf laying the ovaries . The leaves are medium sized, dark green . Gherkin cylindrically shaped, green to dark green, with short to medium length strips and weak spotty, weak ribbed, with small tubercles, white pubescence dense . The bitterness is absent . Weight Gherkins 80 - 116 g . Length Gherkins 10 - 12 cm, diameter 2.8 - 3.2 cm . Taste quality fresh and canned fruit, good and excellent . Trading yields - 276 - 367 kg / ha, 34 - 97 t / ha higher standards Brigadier F 1 and reliability . Maximum yield - 445 kg / ha, 59 kg / ha higher standards of reliability . Out of marketable products 90 - 96% . Yield earlyProducts 61 - 97 t / ha . Resistant to leaf (olive) spot and powdery mildew . The value of the hybrid: a stable yield, high marketability, good taste qualities of fresh and canned fruit .