Cacti (cacti care) A . Miriostigma . A . Myriostigma Lem .

Cacti (cacti care) A .  Miriostigma .  A .  Myriostigma Lem .Cacti (cacti care) A .  Miriostigma .  A .  Myriostigma Lem .Cacti (cacti care) A .  Miriostigma .  A .  Myriostigma Lem .
Description Cacti (cacti care) A . Miriostigma . A . Myriostigma Lem .

Motherland - Mexico . Stem spherical to several elongated, greenish-gray, to beloserogo, sharp edges, they are usually 5,There are anomalies with three or four ribs; areola at a distance of 10 - 15 mm apart; yellow flowers, up to 6 m in diameter . Behind the characteristic shape of this cactus called "episcopal miter" . The species has many varieties . Rod Astrophytum Lem . - Astrophytum has six species and 10 varieties . This is a beautiful cactus with original rounded stems fromwhite dots of different sizes and flakes of wool . Ribs mostly sharp, yellow flowers appear at the top of the plant . Plants do not give a "children" . Cacti of this kind require a lot of summer sun, heat and careful watering in the winter - cold completely dry content (+ 6 °) . When transplanting Astrophytums should not bury the plant andcovered with soil root neck - it leads to decay . Grown Astrophytums as in the graft as well as on their own roots . Plants are extremely preferable to limestone chips . The addition of limestone to the soil crumbs promotes better development earlier and lush flowering . The species of this genus are interesting for those whointerested in decorative floriculture .   

For decorationspecies of this genus are interesting for those who are interested in decorative floriculture
It is typical for himplants do not give a "children"
GrowsAstrophytums grown both in the form of graft and on their own roots . Plants are extremely preferable to limestonecrumbs
Featuressummer require a lot of sun, heat and careful watering in the winter - cold, dry completely content (+ 6 °)
MotherlandMexico ,
RodAstrophytum Lem . , includes 6 species and 10 varieties ,
Diameter6 cm
Featuresbeautiful cactus with original rounded stems with white dotsdifferent sizes and flakes of wool
Formwith the characteristic shape of this cactus called "episcopal miter"
FeaturesYebra mostly sharp, yellow flowers appear at the top of plants
Areolaat a distance of 10 - 15 mm from each other ,
Formspherical to several elongate, sharp edges, they usually 5 anomalies are three or four edges
Colorgreenish-gray to white-gray
In room culture

grows well
special interest
In room culture

grows well
special interest

for decoration
room culture