Tomatoes Matryoshka F1
The mid (115 days from germination tofruiting) tall hybrid for cultivation in plastic greenhouses and under temporary shelters film . hybrid with very large (400 gr. ), bright pink, smooth fruits . The flesh is tender, juicy, flavorful, melt in your mouth . It is recommended for salads . sowing seedlings produced in March . picks in the first phase of thissheet . transplanting in greenhouses in May at the age of 40 - 45 days (April when warm, it is possible transplanting in late April) . forming plant stalk . planting density of 2.8 - 3.0 extensible / m 2 . Yield 8 - 11 kg / tensile . Value Matryoshka varieties: high yield, a compact bush, fine taste, stable yield,disease resistance and cracking of fruits .
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