Tomatoes Kostroma F1
Plants semi determinate type . The first inflorescence is pawned on 9 - 11 sheets, then - after 2sheet . The inflorescence is simple, short, with 6 - 10 fruits . Yield in greenhouse - 16 - 18 kg / sq m . m . Features farming: for the protected ground. Recommended planting density of 2.8 plants 1 sq. m . It is recommended to grow at a high trellis . Plants are one stem . In the formation of the 5th buds begin to remove the lower leaves 2 - 3 per week . After the formation of 8 - 10 brush head pinch escape, leaving the 2 sheets over the last brush . Terms of maturation: early maturing, from germination to fruit ripening 105 -110 days . Fruits flat-rounded, 4 - 6 chamber, aligned, large, bright red, smooth, weight 90 - 150 g, excellent dessert taste . It is resistant to major diseases, adverseconditions . Use: universal use, especially for use in a salad . Plants F 1 hybrid Kostroma very productive, produce higher yields even under rapid temperature and humidity . F 1 hybrid Kostroma gives high yield - up to 4 - 5 kg of fruit per plant .
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