Description Tomatoes Baritone
Baritone tomato varieties recommended for allotment gardens, home gardens and small farms to grow under the film shelters . Ripening tomatoes varieties Baritone comes to 100 - the 115th day after the full emergence . The plant is determinant . The leaves are medium sized, green . inflorescencesimple . The first inflorescence is pawned on 8 - 9 sheet next - after 1 - 2 pages . Fruit rounded, slightly ribbed, color of unripe fruits light green with a little green spot at the stem, mature - red . Number of Slots 4 or more . fruit weight 140 - 160 g . taste good fruit quality . The yield of tomatoes varieties Baritone - 10kg / sq m . m . Baritone variety is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, brown (olive) spot, fusarium, root-knot nematodes . The value of this hybrid tomatoes - high yield, disease resistance and root-knot nematodes .
Where to buy?
Description |
Maturation | Middle |
Group | hybrid |
Purpose | Universal |
Taste quality | good |
Commercial quality | high |
Main advantage | high yield, disease resistance and root-knot nematodes . |
Features | Scheme planting 50 x 40 cm planting density - 7 - 9 plants per 1 m 2 |
Growing up | outdoor |
The period from germination to the beginning of maturation (days . ) | 110 - 115 days |
Resistance to diseases | to tobacco mosaic virus, brown (olive) spot, fusarium, root-knot nematodes |
Growing area | Ukraine, Moldova, Russia |
For a description of the fetus |
Color | red |
Density | fleshy |
Form | round |
Weight (g . ) | 140 - 160 g . |
Portability | good |
Spot at the stem | on a small stage of maturity |
Features | best precursors for tomatoes cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, parsley, dill . |
Plant |
First inflorescence | over 8 - 9 sheets |
Features | maintenance: watering, weeding, hoeing, fertilization |
Height (cm) | 60 -70 cm |
Bush | determinate |
Productivity |
Total | 10 kg / sq m . M . |
Recommend |
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