Tomatoes Altai yellow
The mid-grade tomato for open field and film greenhouses .
From the mass of shoots prior to fruiting are from 110 to 115 days . Indeterminate plant, tall, taller than 2 m, strongly foliated . The first cluster is laid over 9 - 10 sheetfollow - through 3 sheets . The inflorescence is simple with 4 - 5 flowers . Fruits flat round, fleshy, slightly ribbed, multi-chambered, weighing 500 - 700 g or more . In the technical phase of maturity fruit with dark green spots in stalk, and biological - yellow . Due to the increased content of beta-karogina (3.7 - 4.2 mg of 7) fruits are delicious, sweet (contain more than 4% of sugar) and are suitable for children and dietary . Yields in the open field at formirovki one stem at a plant density 4 plants per square meter . Metro - 12 - 15 kg . The variety is resistant to a range of diseases: TMV, Lycopersicum virus-5, bacterial blight, Alternaria .
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