Lettuce Lollo Rossa - the best decoration for any table! The leaves are tender,wrinkled, curly, light green in color with a broad reddish-pink edge . Yield 2.5 - 5 kg / sq m . m . To open and protected ground . Ripening: middle-matures in 40 - 55 days . leaf grade . loose head, a diameter of 15 - 20 cm . Plant Weight 300 - 500 g. resistant to ingrowth floral shoot vegetative in the first year . ForUse fresh . One of the world's most popular salads . Leaves due to the reddish-pink edges look very impressive. Salad ranked first in the calcium content and the second, after the spinach - the content of mineral salts . Variety is very fruitful, · Suitable for year-round cultivation .