Watermelon Feshion F1
Early maturing . Triploids , seedless . climbing plant . The leaves are dark green, dissected . Fruit roundish, dark green background, stripes dark green to very dark, narrow .
Fruit weight 2.5 - 4.5 kg (according tooriginator to 6 kg) . thin bark . The flesh is light red to red . Taste good and excellent . dry matter content of 7.7%, total sugar 6.6% .
Productivity of commodity fruits in the Central Black Earth region of 228 - 465 kg / ha, in standards and Spark Earthling - 255 - 330 kg / ha, for the first two collection of up to 157 kg / ha, at the level of standards in the North Caucasus region - 131- 320 kg / ha, at the level of standards Eden F 1 and Foton, the first two data collection - 86 - 288 kg / ha, in standards - 109 - 246 kg / ha . Portability average . Saves commodity quality for 10 - 15 days after removal.
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