Spring garlic varieties Sochi 56 is recommended for cultivation in garden plots, gardens and small farms . garlic arrows only when the autumn planting, in years with warm winter and early spring, the arrowindividual plants . 56 Sochi - early maturing garlic table appointments . The vegetation period when spring planting 80 - 90 days . In winter crops cultivar is unstable (freezes in cold winters in warmer affected by Fusarium) . In the spring crops are developing numerous teeth in the bulb, and 25 - 30 pieces . Mature bulb covered with 5 - 6 scales,strong, white . leathery scales pale pink with brownish or pinkish-purple . Yield to 0.9 kg / sq m . m, onion 50 g . Due to the large amount of sucrose in Zubkov has a pleasant taste, solids content 40% . bulb form with rounded winter culture (narrow teeth - 1 cm long - up to 5 cm), withspring culture - flat-rounded (teeth wider - up to 1.5 cm and shorter - up to 3 - 4 cm) . Teeth simple . Garlic varieties Sochi 56 is suitable for long-term storage of up to 2 years .