Winter garlic varieties Doctor recommended for cultivation in garden plots, gardens and small farms . early-maturing varieties of winter garlic, notarrows . The period from mass regrowth to yellowing leaves 100 - 108 days . leaf length 42.5 cm, width 2.2 cm, light green with slightly bloom, leaf number 9 . Bulb rounded-flat ( 80%) and planar (20%), an average density, weight 36 - 42 g (52 g) . Zubkov 11 - 16, a simple structure . Coloring dry white scales, the number of six . Coloringfleshy scales light pink and light purple . The flesh is dense cloves . Taste of the peninsula . Yield 1.13 kg / sq m . m . Keeping quality garlic varieties Doctor - within 7 months of storage of up to 60% . Value varieties Doctor - earliness, high yield, winter hardiness, transportability, good keeping quality .